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De hemel is echt: een neurochirurg over zijn 'bijna dood ervaring'

  • Frederik D

    Waarom niet proberen om een psychisch gebeuren gewoon stoffelijk te verklaren in plaats van allerlei bovenzinnelijkheden er bij te halen? De donder wordt niet veroorzaakt door Donar. We hebben nu een prachtige stoffelijke verklaring voor de donder. Dat kostte wel wat creativiteit. Maar dan hebben we ook wat. Een goede natuurlijke verklaring. En waarom niet gewoon erkennen dat onze geest een complex, fantasierijk en grillig fenomeen is? En hoeveel voorgevoelens komen niet uit en worden vergeten?

  • 'en passant'


  • Gonnie

    Geen voorgevoelens maar het exact beleven.!

  • Boris

    Lees eens de commentaren onder dit artikel. Ik heb er even een paar uitgepikt.


    He claims his “technical” death was due to a “specific” area oh his brain (that cortex, controlling thought and emotion) this is what makes aus human and gives us consciousness - Yet, science tells us that the brain is very adaptable; so why couldn't some other area of the brain not take over with a minimal service and keeps things ticking over while the immune system did its thing…..or may be you just need a handful of cells running in that area to keep things going enough for these dreams? As has been said above, we know little about the brain, this makes both the scientific and spiritual reasoning kinda of plausible, or may be difficult to disprove either is a better way of putting it? I recently lost my Dad so would love to believe the story, but essentially believe we're all cells and electrical impulses. There's a good argument for spiritual and science not being mutually exclusive too

    - Magicoolio , London, United Kingdom, 11/10/2012 21:56

    Sorry - this just sounds like the usual American hyperbolic drivel, especially when he met the filmstar-like beauty in that other world. That's just the usual male fantasy isn¿t it?Now if he had met a old or ugly woman or a bloke, even if he didn¿t look like Jesus, I might have had to think twice. Nah, back to the drawing board as far as I¿m concerned.

    - Angie , Bodmin, 11/10/2012 14:09

    Sorry - it all sounds just like the usual American hyperbole especially when he got to describing the ¿filmstar-like¿ woman who met him in his NDE. That just sounded like so much wish fulfilment. If she had been old, ugly or a man I might possibly have thought there was something in it. Back to the drawing board, I¿m afraid.

    - Angie , Bodmin, 11/10/2012 14:00

    He was never really ‘dead’ was he, because he's alive now. I did have an out of body experience after giving birth to my 1st son though- all of a sudden I was floating near where the ceiling should be and I saw my legs, the nurses, even the top of the cupboards then I looked up and I was in Space- stars everywhere in a dark sky and then I heard my own voice in my head saying ‘OH- so THAT’S what it's all about!'. Then I came down to reality. I'm still an aetheist but this truly DID happen to me. If it was only a trick of the brain then it was a pretty awesome one.

    - Penelope , Australia, 11/10/2012 02:01

    No brain activity for 7 days? You mean the EEG traces were completely flat for that time? I doubt it. And even if they were, that does NOT prove there was NO brain activity, it just means that our electronic means of sensing brain activity possibly wasn't sensitive enough to detect ALL brain activity. It's probably more likely a limitation on our sensor technology.

    - MstBaster, London, 10/10/2012 23:58

    There was a huge trauma to his brain. He had some brain damage from the meningitis. He was taking drugs. He was in a coma- not conscious but not brain dead. And the only explanation for his experience is heaven? I have fainted a lot in the past and once had a ‘dream’ in the unconscious state. I have taken drugs and had the most amazing hallucinations! The brain is an amazing thing and a damaged brain can produce incredible and unpredictable results. Did he have an anaethetic? Many people have crazy hallucinations when under these too. I can understand his experience was profound, but to conclude that he must have visited heaven is a little far fetched.

    - Flan, Basel, 10/10/2012 20:56

  • Boris

    Leg mij eens uit hoe iemand bij zo'n “bijna dood ervaring” al in de hemel geweest kan zijn?

  • Boris

    Hoe kan iemand de hemel of hel hebben gezien wanneer diegene nog niet dood was?

  • Boris

    Het hele artikel is ter promotie van zijn nieuwe boek dat wel weer in vele honderdduizenden expemplaren over de toonbank zal gaan.

    Een geliefd onderwerp bij de goedgelovige goegemeente.


  • Boris

    Die “wetenschappelijke feitjes” worden door deze neurochirurg op een niet wetenschappelijke manier gebruikt om als bewijs te dienen dat er een leven na de dood zou zijn.

  • Boris


  • Boris

    Dit is een interessant stukje uit het dailymail artikel.

    He suffered from amnesia and could not remember his life at all prior to his illness and remained in a haze for the first few days after he came out of the coma.

    As he recovered though, he began to recall vivid memories of a magical mental experience during his time in the coma.

    Een combinatie van dromen tijdens zijn coma en een levendige fantasie dus.