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Nigeria Muslims Killing Entire Christian Families

  • Florin

    More than 100 Nigerian Christians have died at the hands of Muslim extremists within the last month, according to Compass Direct News.

    Most recently, the persecution news source said five Christians in Niger state were killed Sept. 22. In the week prior, three others were killed in Kaduna, including a 13-year-old girl.

    Eyewitnesses told Compass Direct that militants, possibly from the Boko Haram Islamic group, went to Christian shops, ordering owners to recite verses from the Koran Those who didn't obey were killed.

    A spokesman for the Niger State Police Command confirmed the deaths, and also said the group was responsible for recent bombings of Christian sites.

    The killings are described as “hit and run” guerilla attacks that, in some cases, have eliminated entire families.

    Earlier in September, 14 Christians were killed – one of them a pregnant woman.

    Dachung Dagai, pastor of a Church of Christ in Nigeria, told Compass Direct his village has been attacked three times since he arrived eight months ago.

    Survivors say they believe the Islamic extremists are recruiting nomadic Muslims known as fulanis to carry out attacks.

    Bron : http://www.siotw.org/modules/news_english/item.php?itemid=476


  • Boris


  • Boris


  • Sfred+

    Dat mag natuurlijk nooit gebeuren zoiets, maar ik ben bang dat dit verder gaat escaleren over heel de wereld. Mensen zien het nieuws, het nieuws verspreidt dit soort gebeurtenissen als een soort reklame..brrrr.

  • Sfred+


  • Boris


  • Boris

    Neem nog wat krokodil.