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elenin en occupy jericho wall street

  • toeter

    vraag me af of er een verband is tussen de naderende komeet die om 19.50 op 16 okt. (pi) dichtbij de aarde staat, de komende oorlog in Syriee (sirius) en de occupy's wereldwijd.

    door richard c. hoagland,

    I will be on “Coast to Coast AM” tonight – top of the show.

    Topics will include–

    ANOTHER re-entering satellite (heads up!).

    Elenin's coming Closest Approach to Earth (at 19:50 GMT, October 16).

    And, the surprising “Elenin/Occupy Wall Street Connection.”

    Those interested in the background to this last item can “tune in” to my “Awake and Aware” presentation on Elenin, here–


    As a postscript to what I presented at “Awake and Aware,” this is MUCH bigger than “politics as usual” … if the data I put together is correct.

    And, it's ALL about “timing”–

    In the HD Physics Model.

    “Occupy Wall Street” (among other things …) is telling ME that the timing is (finally!)–


  • toeter

    Richard C. Hoagland

    Go here–


    Type in “Elenin,” then select “Orbit Diagram.”

    Then, simply run the clock backwards (it will take you a LONG time, but it's foolproof) to ~4 AD.

    That will show you EXACTLY where Elenin was, in terms of absolute distance from the Sun …. :)

    I was afraid of that. :(

    I tried it myself, after I posted my response to Mark's question, and (sadly) you're right; the JPL Applet just STOPS (why?) at “1600 AD.”

    JPL has a more complete (and complex) Ephemeris Program on its website called “Horizon,” but I've never used it. It is MUCH more extensive in its capabilities, but requires prefessional-level expertise to actually use it.

    My recommendation at this point would be to send an e-mail to JPL, and simply ASK. :)

    Then, someone in JPL will be tasked with actually RUNNING the Horizon program re Elenin, and you'll (probably) get an answer in a couple days ….

    It's already – ~400 years ago – HUNDREDS of times farther away from the sun than Earth orbits … ~311.897 AU to be precise. :)

    Doesn't matter whether the orbit is ~13,000 years long, or “hyperbolic.”

    It wasl STILL be that distance from the sun in 1600 AD ….

    The guy who actually used JPL's Horizon program, and posted the results on his own website (whose name escapes me at the moment …) calculated that Elenin's most distant point in its HIGHLY elliptical is actually “only” ~1037 AU from the sun.

    With an initial orbital period of ~4.4 MILLION years!

    Thus, Elenin is NOT truly a “hyperbolic object!”

    JPL is using a VERY narrow POLITICAL definition of “hyperbolic” on its website, as that ~1037 AU distance falls well within the (proposed) Oort Cloud of solar system comets … and certainly does NOT extend any REAL distance out to even the nearest stars ….

    Elenin's own “~13,000 years,” was his initial calculation (we are now told), of Elenin's RETURN passage back into the inner solar system … after THIS closest approach to the sun – on September 11, 2011.

    NO ONE (except this “average Joe,” who actual USED the Horizon program to calculate these parameters) – including Elenin! – seems to have been telling us the truth about Elenin's real ORIGINS … let alone its true NATURE.

    It was SENT (so the numbers say), on a “mission” which is STILL unfolding … which only makes sense if one views what I presented at “Awake and Aware.”

    Based on THAt data, Elenin's “message” IS “HD Physics” … through and through.

    The “why” it was sent to us is what's Important now ….

    Stay tuned. :)

    Actually, they BOTH involve “fluid flow” … and “torsion field Physics” (the Physics of the aether).

    A high-velocity impact of an asteroid/comet on a planet does NOT create a simple, spherically-expanding shock wave … as we've a…ll be taught. i

    It turns out (because high-temperature plasmas are excellent transducers of the spinning “torsion field”) that such high energy impacts create COMPLEX GEOMETRIES as they expand … which then FREEZE into thesde geometric shapes, as the lava they create cool.

    It's NOT your grandmothers' Physics anymore …. :)

  • Frederik D

    Iedereen ziet in dat je in veel onzin gelooft. Maar zouden ze ook inzien dat ze zelf ook in onzin geloven?

  • Allen

    Aan jou fantasie mankeert het in ieder geval niet.


  • toeter

    onze intellectueel zegt ook wat

  • Sfred+

    Allen Schreef:


    > Aan jou fantasie mankeert het in ieder geval

    > niet.


    > Allen.

    Fdom heeft een punt. Het trouwens jouw fantasie, het is bezittelijk slimpie met hoge opleiding. Tikfoutje zeker?:)

  • Boris

  • toeter

    en als er met vrijdenkers lol te beleven viel, was aarde vanavond nog vierkant

  • Frederik D

    Intellectuelenhaat is niet best, Toeter, en leidde tot de Tweede Wereldoorlog.

  • Frederik D

    Net als de platte bijbelse aarde.