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Elvis: 'Where No One Stands Alone'

  • perihelium


    http://www.godvine.com/Where-No-One-Stands-Alone-Gospel-Song-by-Elvis-719.html (unieke beeldopnamen)

    Where No One Stands Alone

    Once I stood in the night

    With my head bowed low

    In the darkness as black as could be

    And my heart felt alone and I cried oh Lord

    Don't hide your face from me

    Like a king I may live in a palace so tall

    With great riches to call my own

    But I don't know a thing

    In this whole wide world

    That's worse than being alone

    Hold my hand all the way, every hour every day

    Come here to the great unknown

    Take my hand, let me stand

    Where no one stands alone

    Take my hand, let me stand

    Where no one stands alone

  • perihelium


  • Tjoppy

    Nice! (allebei) :)