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Er zullen spoedig interessante tijden aanbreken

  • Eliyahu


    Zoals de oude chinese vervloeking zegt: “Moge u in interessante tijden leven”.

    Met Egypte gaat het niet zo lekker: http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/148490#.TowBzHKWqCk

    Analyst: Egypt Falling Apart, Could Go Broke Soon

    The Arab Spring has turned Egypt into an economic basket case, says a noted economist, while a top Egyptian politician says Cairo is broke.

    By David Lev

    The “Arab Spring” may yet yield a winter of discontent, says Mohammed el-Baradei, the former head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and current candidate for the presidency of Egypt.

    Speaking Monday, El-Baradei said that the country could go bankrupt by next March, unless something was done to stop the flow of foreign currency out of the country – or to find new sources of “hard” currency.

    According to Egyptian treasury figures, foreign currency holdings – crucial for Egypt, which imports much of its food and other basic supplies – stood at around $25 billion at the end of August. With nearly a billion dollars a month going for imports, and debts to foreign creditors that are coming due in the next few months, El-Baradei said that there was a strong possibility of bankruptcy.

    “Egypt is still an amateur country when it comes to industry,” ElBaradei told workers at an election rally, “but with the current economic deterioration that resulted from to the lack of security and as we run out of reserves with little foreign investment, the country will go bankrupt in six months.”

    Egyptian banks lost much of the country's foreign currency deposits as a result of the uprising against Hosni Mubarak, as investors unsure of what the revolution would bring sought safer havens for their cash. In addition, the country's tourism industry, the largest earner of foreign currency, has still not recovered from the loss of tourism during the revolution.

    So far, Cairo has been unsuccessful in wooing investors back, although, El-Baradei said, they really ought to give the country another chance, as “Egypt’s potential has no limits in agriculture, tourism, industry and services.”

    Although Western media has concentrated on the protests that brought Mubarak down and presents a picture of a more moderate and more free Egypt, the truth is that at least 10,000 civilians are behind bars, due to the implementation of several emergency laws. Among the targets of mass arrests have been bloggers, political activists, and participants in protests against the government, which are becoming more frequent and violent.

    The riot last month at the Israeli Embassy in Cairo was actually only one of several mass riots in Cairo that day, with public employees, doctors, transport workers, and teachers conducting angry demonstrations demanding better salaries. Unemployment is higher now than it was under Mubarak, critics of the government say; according to Al-Jazeera. the unemployment rate among young Egyptians is 20%, while the unemployment rate for women with university degrees stands at 55%.

    In an article titled “Endgame for Egypt,” economist David P. Goldman, who specializes in analyzing the economies of the Arab world, says that the “Arab Spring is really “a convulsion of a dying society. Egypt imports half its caloric consumption, 45% of its people are illiterate, its university graduates are unemployable, its $10 billion a year tourism industry is shuttered for the duration, and its foreign exchange reserves are gradually disappearing.

    “Western economists can concoct all the economic recovery plans in the world,” continues Goldman, “but a country that can’t teach half its people to read, and can’t produce employable university graduates, and can’t feed itself, is going to go down the drain. Nasser, Sadat and Mubarak kept Egypt under control by keeping most of its people poor, ignorant, and on the farm, and by warehousing its youth in state-run diploma mills. After sixty years of such abuse, Egypt simply can’t get there from here.

    “The result, I predict, will be a humanitarian catastrophe that makes Somalia look like a picnic.”

    Hetzelfde geldt voor Syrie, Turkije balanceert op de rand van de afgrond, net als Griekenland.

    Nou zal Griekenland wel gered worden door de EU, maar dat geldt niet voor de arabische landen waar de recente opstanden de toeristenindustrie volledig om zeep geholpen hebben, en de economie in puin ligt door stakingen en opstanden.

    Zoals de man hierboven zegt: “Het resultaat, zo voorspel ik, zal een humanitaire ramp zijn die Somalie op een picknic zal doen lijken.”

    En wat doen landen die geen geld hebben om hun bevolking te voeden?

    Juist, die gaan oorlog voeren.

    Moge de Almachtige ons allen bijstaan.

  • ­­¥ Lotje ­­¥

    Als ik Egypte in tik , krijg ik Vakantie naar Egypte .

    ow wacht wat gevonden


  • perihelium

    ­­¥ Lotje ­­¥ Schreef:


    > Als ik Egypte in tik , krijg ik Vakantie naar

    > Egypte .


    > ow wacht wat gevonden


    > http://www.nu.nl/algemeen/2631305/legerleider-egyp

    > te-verdedigt-mubarak.html

    Tik Lotje maar eens in! “Bestel nú Lotje voordelig bij bol.com! Ook 2ehands.” ;)

  • CU

    Mat 6,34

    Maakt u dan niet bezorgd tegen de dag van morgen, want de dag van morgen zal zijn eigen zorgen hebben; elke dag heeft genoeg aan zijn eigen kwaad.

  • Richard II

    > Moge de Almachtige ons allen bijstaan.

    Maar dat doet hij niet.

    Al is hij als schepper natuurlijk wel de aanstichter van alle problemen.

  • Houtm035

    > Maar dat doet hij niet.

    > Al is hij als schepper natuurlijk wel de aanstichter van alle problemen.

    De mens, die zichzelf als afgezonderd ziet van al het andere, creëert zijn eigen probleem.

    Q. Would a perfectly balanced entity feel any emotional response in being attacked by the other-self? A. The response is love.

    (bron: Ra Material 42:3)

    Niet dat ik hieraan kan tippen 8-)

  • Richard II

    Maar het is God die de problemen mogelijk heeft gemaakt. En ook maakt.

  • ­­¥ Lotje ­­¥

    Tik perihelium in en ik krijg hyves ;)

  • Ellen-Josee

    Die Chinezen mogen mij dan wel vervloeken :D
