Rashi de bron van Israel als de knecht uit Jesaja 52-53 die jij als een slaafje volgt; erkent en schrijft in andere commentaren dat de Knecht de Messias is uit Jesaja 53.
He Sits Among the Paupers
R. Yehoshua ben Levi encountered the prophet Eliyahu as he was standing at the entrance of R. Shimon ben Yochai's cave,… and asked him: “When is Mashiach coming?”
Replied the prophet: “Go and ask him.”
“But where is he to be found?”
“At the gate of Rome.”
“By what sign shall I recognize him?”
“He is sitting among paupers stricken by wounds….”
To these words Rashi adds: "They are leprous, and so is he; as it is written, ‘He is ailing because of our sins,’ and it is likewise written, ‘He has borne our sicknesses.’"507
En Eliyahu blijft maar volharden in zijn brute leugens.